Diabetes Blog Week: My Diabetes Hero

Today is the last day of Diabetes Blog Week and the topic is "Diabetes Hero". This one is a no brainer and is probably the simplest topic yet!

My Diabetes Hero is my daughter Nevaeh!  She has been a trooper through it all!  Since October 23rd she has had over 600 injections, 20 site changes, and over 2100 finger pricks!!!  Not including blood work and her hospitalization!  She has felt crummy half or more of those days due to highs or lows.  She has had moments where she is scared of going low again, had emotions of anger, sadness, and frustration all because of this stinking disease called Type 1 Diabetes!  But through it all she trusts God will take care of her and she has prayed for a pump and prayed for a cure!  She amazes me each day and has been through more than I have in my lifetime! I admire my little girl for her courageousness and bravery each day she fights against this disease!  If I could I would take the disease on myself for her but I can't so I just do my best to be as strong as her as I watch her deal with it like a pro!!!  I love my sweet girl and am so blessed to have her in my life!!!

Me with My Hero, my daughter, Nevaeh!

Diabetes Blog Week: Snap Shots of D-Life

A Few Snap Shots from October til Now!

Nevaeh a few weeks before hospitalization and diagnosis.  She is so beautiful but so thin and that was a couple weeks before we went to the hospital so you can imagine how thin she was then!

 Leaving the hospital after being in ICU at the Children's hospital.

A pic we took when we got home from the hospital and the long morning of training on what to do when we get home (it was like bringing a new born home plus some with all the info they cram in)!  Look how much better she looks already!

 Rufus the Bear, who Nevaeh got while in the hospital along with the book about how Rufus is a friend for her to share with who also has diabetes!  He has little padded spots where he can get shots and finger pricks just like her!

A painting Nevaeh made about how she feels about her soon to be pumping!

 Some of the many injections Nevaeh had to endure before starting the pump!  There are around 150 needles in each container and that didn't include finger sticks!

Last injection of insulin after 5 months of injections we are starting on the pump!!!

Nevaeh's first picture right after she started pumping!!!

 Our first and only so far (fingers crossed) kinked cannula!  Got practice on what to do when a site is bad!

 Our D supplies.

 We found a new purpose for crossover pocket books! They are now PUMP POUCHES!!!

 We won a Give-Away from Skiddadle Bags and Too Sweet Boutique!!!  These are our prizes the pump pouch and supply bag that match!!! 

 Our new supply bag has tons of room!!!

 Nevaeh's first belly site!

Nevaeh now in the same shirt as in the first picture but so much more healthy now that we know what's wrong and she is getting insulin.

What Most Don't Know About Life with Type 1 Diabetes...

There's a lot of things most people don't know about diabetes, things I didn't know either until Nevaeh was diagnosed.  But one thing that is hardest is that it never goes away and it is an all day 24 hr job (a job for the parent and child).  A job that is taxing emotionally and physically!  Diabetes is always lurking around every corner, every day, all day!

Most people ask me if we're ok and I want to tell them no, but then there's so much to explain of why we are not that I usually just say that we're alright.  But everyday and night we experience lows and highs and some days extreme lows and highs. Everyday and night we check blood sugars and give boluses.  Every night I check her through the night to make sure she doesn't go low to the point of not waking up!  Some nights with stubborn lows we get only 3-4 hours of sleep!  Everywhere we go we have to make sure we have her pack with supplies and a snack.   Every night and everyday I have some type of thought  that makes me wish a million times I could take this disease from my daughter!  Thoughts about her getting her finger pricked so many times they are sore or how she has to always being connected to something (the other day she wanted to swim longer but she had to get out bc her hour's time without her pump was up)!  We have tears from sites being pulled off accidentally, or her going high so fast that her belly hurts and she feels like shes going to pass out or throw up, or fast lows where she is extremely pale and lethargic!  It never ends, it never goes away, we have to make the best of it and take one day at a time! 

Daily Routine with Type 1 Diabetes....

12 am - Finger Prick = to make sure my blood sugar level is good for the night

* Once or sometimes more throughout the night Nevaeh gets her finger pricked and according to what her blood sugar is I either give her insulin or a snack.

Between 8:30-9am - Breakfast = finger prick, carb counting, insulin given

*Throughout the day her finger is pricked if she feels high or low or needs a snack.  Then if she is high she gets a bolus of insulin, if she is low she gets a snack, and she needs a snack we count carbs and give insulin to cover the snack.  Highs and lows make her feel horrible and really tired!

Between 12:30-1pm - Lunch= finger prick, carb counting, insulin given

*Throughout the day her finger is pricked if she feels high or low or needs a snack.  Then if she is high she gets a bolus of insulin, if she is low she gets a snack, and she needs a snack we count carbs and give insulin to cover the snack. Highs and lows make her feel horrible and really tired!

Between 6:30-7pm - Supper= finger prick, carb counting, insulin given

 *Throughout the day her finger is pricked if she feels high or low or needs a snack.  Then if she is high she gets a bolus of insulin, if she is low she gets a snack, and she needs a snack we count carbs and give insulin to cover the snack. Highs and lows make her feel horrible and really tired!

Then the cycle starts all over again!

This is something most people, who don't know someone with type 1 diabetes, have no idea about!  I have so much more compassion on people with this disease!  I had no idea until October 23, 2011!

Thank you for letting me share!  Sometimes it just feels good to share!

Diabetes Blog Week: My Dream Diabetes Device

So day four's topic is to dream up our fantasy diabetes device! 

Of course, my dream device would take all symptoms of diabetes away forever!  But another device that would make me pretty happy is a All-In-One device! 

This device would have her pump, cgm, bs meter, and ketone meter all in one! How awesome would that be to only have to put on one device all day!  No finger pricks or ketone checks the one device could check all of that!  It would be the size of a ipod touch (very light weight) with touch screen!  And you could wear it for at least a week at a time before changing sites!  That would be AMAZING! 

I know it's not much but that would be my dream device!!!  Now if someone could make it that would be even more AMAZING!!!

Diabetes Blog Week: One Thing to Improve

Today's topic is one thing to improve when it comes to diabetes.  There really are so many things my mind is feeling dizzy!  But when I narrow it down to one thing I would have to say that I really need to slow down sometimes and come to reality that things are not the same as they use to be. 

We can't eat on the go fast food like we use to.  Besides Nevaeh not needing it it's no longer fast food when you add the checking of blood sugar, calculations, and bolus.  There's no running errands fast because there is usually snack time and several bs checks along the way.  I use to think getting to a destination on time, like church on Sunday, was hard enough with a child before diabetes but now when we reach our destination we need to do a bs check and sometimes even have a snack before going in.  I could go on but you get the point. 

Sometimes I feel bad because I will be in a hurry and get frustrated not at Nevaeh but at diabetes because of the time it is taking away from what we could be doing.  But I realize that getting frustrated and not just coming to terms with needing to take our time has caused me more stress and extra stress is not what we need!!!  So all I can do is keep working on it (not saying that I will ever come to terms with it) and hope that I get better at it as each day passes!  I'm sure you can all relate even if diabetes is not part of your life we all need to take a step back at times, breath, and slow ourselves down! 

Diabetes Blog Week: Proud Momma

First, I want to start off by saying there are more days than not that I feel overwhelmed by diabetes and that it's really hard to say anything positive about it but we have not let that stop us in life!  We have been strong as a family and I know that it's all because God is carrying us through.   And I must say I am one proud momma!!!
  • I am proud of how BRAVE, STRONG, and COURAGEOUS my sweet girl is through it all!
  • I am proud of how much we have learned in the short 5 1/2 months since diagnosis!
  • I am proud to have a family that sticks together through it all!
  • I am proud of Nevaeh to be pumping already!
  • I  am proud of how we work together as a family to take on diabetes!
  • I am one proud momma!!!
Believe me we are not anywhere near perfect at any part of diabetes, but when I sit down and thing of the great things we do in our day to day battle with diabetes I am proud with what things come to mind!

Diabetes Blog Week: So Glad to Find New Friends!

I am super excited about reading all the blogs this week and writing my own!  You see we are brand new to diabetes as of October 2011 so this being our first year I had no idea about Diabetes Blog Week! So when I found out today I quickly asked if I could join in on the fun!  So I am playing catch up! 

When I read day one's topic for the week I immediately thought a couple of blogs I read weekly but I believe they are well known!  Here's a list of a few:
  • http://www.ourdiabeticlife.com/
  • http://www.theprincessandthepump.com/
  • http://waytoosweet.blogspot.com/
 So I started thinking I don't really have any new friends to share with you guys but I am super excited  about all the new friends I will have found after this week!  This only being our 5th month of diabetes I have to admit I still feel quite alone.  We have each other as a family and I have found a few people I chat with online but the more the merrier!  I love learning by hearing others real life experiences it makes me feel not so alone! 

So thank you to all the bloggers who are participating (new friends) and for Karen who started this yearly tradition!  I already think its great!